You get a tongue ring?

Get a tongue ring is not an easy decision it is important to think through completely. Be sure to examine the impact on the rest of your life, as well as allows you to speak and to eat by following the procedure.

If you are on the fence to get a piercing, chances are you know about it, the more comfortable that you will feel on your final decision in both cases. There are many things to consider, including your motivations for wanting to get one in the first place, and the pain and sacrifices, you will need to be put in place with ultimately. Several piercings as lip rings and language are not exactly easy to hide should work where you think it's as cool as you. The best advice is to not rush and do it. Make sure you and give you enough time to think through.

You decide whether or not you are even in a financial position to get the procedure done. It costs generally somewhere around $45 for a tongue piercing, depending on where you are going to. You want to ensure that you have done by a professional in a clean and sterile environment. You must also take into account the cost of the jewelry. Rings of language can vary from a few dollars more, depending on the quality you are after. In addition, you should be ready to spend money on doctor's visit or additional care should your piercing is infected.

If you know someone who has obtained a tongue piercing, you know that it can affect speech and eating. You want to ensure you have several days a week to recover before being important anywhere. Think your boss to a new job is perhaps not your random drooling and speech is professional, you need to be careful. Many people with rings of language tend to play with them, which may be frowned on and extremely distracting. Try to avoid that in doing so, you never develop the habit.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty advice. An excellent resource for flat irons, curling irons and styling the hair of all kinds tools is my hair style tools.

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The piercing language after-care-13 tips to prevent Infection

Tongue piercing has become extremely popular today for quite a number of reasons including improvement of pleasure, value of shock and social appearances. If you want to get your tongue pierced, it is interesting to note that you must do your research before doing so.

There are several important factors, those that must be taken into account to get your tongue pierced. Before you even step foot in the piercing shop you must have significant knowledge about monitoring you will need to perform.

Here are some tips that would make your easier drilling for you and get healed place in minimum time.

1. Mainly the most important factor in language piercing is that you always get it done by a professional certified piercing because it reduces the risk by a great extent.

2. Since the language has one of the most difficult muscles in your body may be a little bit of pain involved in the language of proceedings of piercing. We recommend that you stay well prepared for that in the procedure and do not become paranoid unnecessarily because the pain. Extraordinary stress and tension in such a case it may make it worse.

3. In order to avoid infections sure to use a dumbbell clean and hygienic drilling your tongue.

4. Use barbell as language can get swollen after the drilling process. A long dumbbell always to accommodate the swelling.

5. For tongue piercing after-care, it is advisable to take in the liquid diet for a few days up to what your mother tongue is completely healed the wound of Percé. Generally, it takes approximately two weeks for a complete healing.

6 Use of mouth washing kills beneficial bacteria in our oral cavity and antimicrobial peptides lingual and ptyalin. Limit wash them your mouth with mouthwash to not more than two times per day.

7 Remember to wash your hands with antibacterial soap in language piercing after-care before touching the piercing.

8 Consume water cold frequently for swelling of the language. You can also crush ice cubes and put them inside your mouth around the area of Percé.

9 Avoid eating objects hard foods such as chips and chocolates. Instead try to eat ice cream in large quantity.

10 Try to regularly rotate the dumbbell.

11 Verify that tightened remains dumbbells before going to sleep like you can swallow a loose dumbbells or can remain stuck in your throat.

12 Does not engage in any kind of oral sex and to continue with all your piercing language followed until the piercing has fully healed.

13. Avoid swimming or smoking until the piercing injured was completely healed.

BONUS: Christine Crotts wrote an additional exhibit on the tongue piercing aftercare. This is in addition to his numerous articles on how to design your own tattoo.

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Tips on stretching commissure

Stretch commissure becomes more and more popular as normal cartilage piercings and body piercings become commonplace. Young people want different peers, and to do this in a visible manner is to increase the diameter of their piercings to most major forms of jewelry. Ears are among the most visible and most appropriate these decorations like thick pins and flesh tunnels.

A problem with respect to elongation commissure, is that it is recommended that you do it yourself, because you know only when you are not evil - once it starts to become particularly painful, an earlobe of tonnage should be stopped and held up to the stops the pain or the piercing is healed properly.

Piercing commissure is a standard technique that even amateurs can do (although not recommended), but which extends from the commissure must be carried out by a professional who fully understands the problems in question, or by yourself because only you know how much pain you are experiencing.

Here are some tips on stretching commissure: they do not include the actual stretching that resume on the basic technique, a brief, but are primarily aimed at maintaining your healthy and clean commissure in the procedure.

When the stretch commissure is Safe

Your ear is safe stretch only once that original piercing has fully healed, and will even of each stage when stretching. Stretch commissure is also known a gauging by the terminology used in the measurement of the size of the hole through your lobe.

Generally, you start with a 0.8 mm to 1.0 mm, which are respectively 20 gauge - or 20 - and 18 g. A professional can use a needle to give you a hole of 16 g which is ideal to start with. It is about 1.2 mm - 1.3 mm. However, you can also start with a cone of 16 g to 20 g of gauging hole.

Gauge size

Although a professional needle piercing is best to stretch the commissure will make a weapon to fire, but the hole will probably also entitled as a needle. Start with the next size lower than your piercing. If you do not know what is, then you should be OK to start with a scroll of 16 g. basically, stretching is performed using a tapered needle, a tip from the size of your current piercing, and the other end to a size above.

This is where he can get confused, because for some reason any gauges reduce with increasing diameter and also do so in steps of 2 - so that they are always even. Thus, if you start with a 16 g you need to do and more thick end will be 14 g. simply insert the close end in your drilling and he thanks to work until the thicker end just between your ear.

ScrollBar options

Now, you have three options: with a taper insertion, you place the pin of a 14 g earring, or some other jewelry, against the end of the 14 g end as it is pushed through, then follow the PIN through and fix as normal. Another form of stem of smaller, known as a spur, is designed just to remain there until you're ready for the next size and a third type is the ear with a conical pin jewelry. Simply insert the pin code and set until he healed.

The first option is preferable, because jewelry pins is the same diameter all the way, while conical jewelry is more thick at one end and thin to another, so your hole can heal in front of different widths in the back.

Advice on stretching commissure

However, it is not mechanical, but how to take care of your ear and for yourself, so here are some important tips on stretching commissure:

1. Do not start until your piercing has healed, including any previous earlobe stretching done. Otherwise, it will be too painful and may be infected.

2 Have a shower before you begin: the hot water you will soften ears and will help prevent tearing of the skin which can lead to infection further on the road.

3 Buy a non-Scented anti-bacterial SOAP and clean your ear with her before and after the measurement. 4. Use a sea salt solution 3 tablespoons of enough water to dissolve it and to soak your commissure with. Do this daily should prevent any infection that could undermine the stretching.

5. Never use plastic, silicone or double flared plugs for the new sections - gold, Platinum, stainless, surgical steel or glass are adapted. The money is OK and anti-bacterial, but it can tarnish.

6 Turn daily insertion to prevent paste them or crusting - after a shower is better.

7. Never try to accelerate the missing size.

8. Keep in mind that once you reach about 2 g, which extends from the commissure is likely to be a permanent change, so you will always have to wear something in your ear

If you follow these tips on stretching commissure, you should find that it is a relatively simple procedure. It may be slightly painful, but not only this, and it is pointed out that if it is, and if you see bleeding and then stop, insert your original stud and wait until your piercing healed completely. This can take up to 3 months, and you can have an expectation of 3 weeks to 3 months between the earlobe stretching steps.

Advice and information on stretching and your ear lobes of gauging found on the site Web of Mark flesh Tunnel where you will also find a selection of chassis of the ear and some jewellery from large ears.

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Rings of navel across age and gender lines

Rings of navel attracts once piercings out in the current view of the world. They are now crossing the new lines. Those are the lines of the age and sex.

First introduced in the current dominant in the 1990s, navel rings were seen primarily on women in their early twenties to painting. Occasionally, you would see on a young person, but more likely than non-she just watched young people.

Today, navel rings are not just for women. With the population of today in and keep the best form of more, older women are having the confidence of their stomach Strip.

And they want not just strip the stomach; they want people to their opinion. This is where the belly button rings comes into play. After months of hard work, get a superbly tonic stomach, most women want to set it off with the jewel of the perfect. And after all, they deserve the attention after all that pain and work.

Now remember on men. With the lines blur between what is a "male" thing and that is something "woman", it is not surprising that navel rings crossed.

Although still not seen every day, it becomes more common to see men with their pierced navels. And just as piercings began with young women, it seems to be primarily of young men who are jumping on this car.

Take a walk on the beach in the summer and I am sure that you will see several young men displaying navel rings. Their rings can be more subtle than women average, they are not less attractive. Are not y for any other reason. As women want to flaunt their tonic stomachs and show their hard work, men want to do the same.

As the lines continue to blur, navel rings has become the next in a long line of things that are now common to both sexes. They are in good company with mascara and nail varnish.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty advice. An excellent resource for flat irons, curling irons and styling the hair of all kinds tools is my hair style tools.

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Understand the risks of navel rings

One of the options of jewelry more popular body for young women are belly button rings. They lived in integrating the popularity in the 1990s, when many Hollywood actresses and models are beginning to bear their. At one point considered as somewhat grotesque, they have become a standard for the average girl. They complement a tonic and superb centre with a bikini on the beach. For many carriers, they add a sense of confidence and beauty. Unlike many other piercings, they are adaptable and can be easily hidden whenever the user chooses.

Navel rings often take several forms, depending on the type of navel and the preference of the wearer. More commonly, they take the form of a ring or curved barbell. If you have a "outtie", you can be difficult to get a piercing. This is not like the traditional piercing, which is actually made in the skin around the navel. Instead, the piercing actually passes by forcing navel through flesh and extra blood vessels. Some professionals to refuse to do so, but each may be different. If you are in this situation, you must understand that you may face additional risks, but also a painful procedure. The healing time may take more time and you could be more vulnerable to infection.

In many States, people aged under 18 are required by law to obtain the consent of their parents before going through the procedure. If you are a minor, don't forget to give your parents as much information as possible. They may not understand the popularity of navel rings, but as long as you can convince them that you do not harm yourself, they are not opposed. It is also important to choose a place clean and reliable, that made procedure.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty advice. An excellent resource for flat irons, curling irons and styling the hair of all kinds tools is my hair style tools.

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Septum piercing information

The "word" septum is given to the portion of the cavity that acts as a wall of partition between two tissues or cavities. The wall of cartilage between the two nostrils is called the nasal septum. When the cartilage between the nostrils is pierced, to implement a kind of accessory breast, it is called septum piercing.


Septum piercing had been in practice since the times reported. If a larger size accessory is worn in the septum pierced, it improves the ferocity of the watch. It was in vogue during the early ages to bring the ferocity on the face and to alert the enemies of the force and to win.


The cartilage wall between the two nostrils is pierced through with a needle or thread of gold or silver. The needle or thread is always sterilized bore with it before. Usually the bulkhead is pierced in a measure of width of 1.6 mm. In some cases, the width may be more, and then the piercing should be done with wider instruments as scalpel, etc. or operated as some might perhaps for medical reasons.

The nose is cleaned and disinfected before the bulkhead is pierced. Although the procedure can be painful, but in the hands of the expert procedure is completed without difficulty or complication.

The septum piercing takes about 2-3 weeks to dry and cure, and the lesser traction or even the lightest brush could lead to pain and lead to a further complication. But the complete healing process needs approximately 6 to 8 months

Accessory size

The percé septum can contain accessory according to the width of the part pierced only. Accessories are in General to 1.6 mm in width, but still more broad accessories are also available. Usually, a ring or a semi-ring is inclined in the hole, of various sizes.


The after the session of care is the most important and difficult in a septum piercing.

After that the piercing a small swelling due to a white liquid secretion will occur, it is a natural phenomenon in which the body reacts to the punch. But where the secretion tends to be yellow or green, then this may cause signs of complication.Even if the secrecy of discoloured fluids, also it is recommended by experts to keep the accessory within the breakthrough part, deletion attempt may result in a further complication because the traction in the process and that exit accessory can also close the hole pierced.The percé septum should be cleaned with warm water mixed in her sea salt, using a cotton ball with the removed accessory nose.

Means of recovery

If some of the rules of simple life style and appropriate expert guidelines are followed by then percé septum can heal much more quickly.

Any type of alcohol drags the duration of the healing piercing fitment. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages based and even cosmetic products face containing the slightest suspicion of alcohol.As already mentioned, the newly pierced bulkhead of cleaning is a must. Negligence can lead to infections and even other complications.


Like all sorts of piercing the septum piercing is risky. Inadequate sterilization of the piercing tool or inadequate disinfection of the nose before break could lead to serious diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS. Complications even more risk permanent deformity of the nose.

Sport a large septum piercing and flaunt fabulous accessories in the septum, but with great care taken before and after any kind of body piercing.

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The treatment of scar keloid - what you should know

What are Keloids, in any way?
First, discuss what a scar keloid is. They are mainly composed of fibrous within a scar material, as a chicken pox scar or a body piercing gone awry. They vary in size, tiny and barely noticeable except to touch or they can get so large that be an inconvenience and how. They are generally smooth to the touch and range in colour from pink to red.

The problem
The problem with scar keloids is that they do not stop growth and migrate to the meat which has not been injured. The keloid itself is composed of scar tissue never stopped growth or arrested after there was a noticeable bulge and large present on the surface of the skin. The more regular scars tend to disappear over time, but Keloids do not.

There is no known reason why Keloids arrive. Some studies say that more dark skinned people tend to more often than the lighter skinned, but there is no definitive evidence of this. Is no reason to think that women lead more often than men, even though studies suggest this. It is true, however, that women tend to have a piercing, with more opportunities to develop of Keloids. This may or may not be the reason why studies have more often than men women.

It is possible to prevent scar keloids?
As medical science has no idea why scar keloids occur or for which they will present, it is impossible to offer any kind of preventive measures. If you have had before or if you have other family members who have had their, then there is good chance that you will develop them with your next drilling. But there is no guarantee. The only way to avoid scar keloids is not to injure yourself, whether accidentally or by piercing deliberately.

When prevention is not enough
Not injuring yourself is not always easy. Accidents happen. Diseases such as chicken pox, also arrive and may result in scars Keloids. There are steps, you can take to get rid of Keloids, but re-Scoring is very likely. Radiation, drugs for chemotherapy, steroids, surgery and healing creams and gels have all their merits, but also have drawbacks. For example, a woman with whom I was talking about his problems of keloid told me that after 5 surgeries to remove the same scars, again and again, the only thing that worked, finally, that it was a combination of surgery, steroids and radiation.

For a more in-depth discussion on the different methods of treatment of scar keloid, please refer to an article, we recommend: treatment of scar keloid. In addition, this and much more information found on our site, Body Piercing more.

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Things to know about the navel Piercing

In the 1940s, film producers were banned from showing the belly buttons on the big screen. To work around this limitation, Hollywood actresses made of precious stones and jewellery in their navels so that they do not show really. It is almost the time when the navel piercing is said has begun.

No one can point PIN exactly where such Pierce really started, although other believed that the tradition started long ago in Rome, Greece and Egypt. According to the story, it is usual for these crops decorate their bodies with body piercing and tattoos. Although cultures may have changed over time, the tradition of belly rings continues to be popular today.

The word navel piercing seems inappropriate because in reality, the Percé region is actually the skin directly above the navel and not navel itself. Thus, a person can basically have a piercing on the bottom and sides of the umbilicus he pleases. To enable the pierced area to heal easily, a standard barbell is typically used by the borers piercing navel. Generally, the belly buttons have their own special type of dumbbells.

Although navel piercings are generally considered safe, get a piercing involves a certain degree of risk. Some of the most common side effects of a navel piercing include pain at the site of swelling, scarring, infection and swelling. They are virtually certain things that you must provide if you plan to do a navel.

To get a navel piercing, you should carefully think about it. obtain one requires not only that you be prepared physically, but emotionally ready as well. More than anything else, you should consult for credible body piercers. Obtaining credible piercers may be a little expensive, but it is certainly worth every penny you pay versus the risks you might face in paying less. More than any other, you will need to make sure that the tools used by piercing are thoroughly sterilized to minimize infections and other risks.

Today, belly buttons are more and more popular. Although a navel piercing can take four months to a year to heal, many people would still have a. It is not very surprising but since navel piercing is considered a beautiful and an excellent medium for displaying the natural beauty and improvement is personal style.

So if you are interested in obtaining a navel piercing, you must make sure that you know all the risks and are willing to take. Fortunately, there are many piercing services online which makes it easier and more convenient for you to decide on the perfect navel piercing you want for yourself.

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Your teenage daughter: rings navel and tattoos

If you have a teenage daughter, you have probably encountered a whole list of laundry issues which have never even considered you. Living at the time is quite difficult to adulthood, but the children were really hard. The peer pressure is not new and, in fact, it has not much changed over the years. Instead, the problems facing children today are different; not less difficult, but not nearly the same as what you may have encountered when you were a child.

The question of how to deal with a young person is a story that was written millions of times. You can find books, articles and seminars designed to teach you how to deal with the young filled with hormone that lives in your House, but nothing other than live through it (and subsequently on matters) will help.

So, what are some of the things you would expect in the coming months and years? Well, it's hard to say, since each child is different. However, suffice it to say that the main issues will be things that are quite different things that dealt with your parents when you were child - costume, chatter constant telephone and dating can be on this list. But what if your daughter presents you with the fact that all his friends become tattoos and belly button rings?

See now you were not even considered navel rings when you set out on this parental set adventure, had you? The most important thing is to stay calm; If you flip out, your daughter will miss and have a chance to ring the first navel as it gets. In all honesty, you should consider the implications of this Act. After all, navel rings are much better than tattoos, which are permanent. Ultimately, you have to decide how to handle this, but am not saying that us warn you if suddenly start you account view of navel rings for yourself!

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty advice. An excellent resource for flat irons, curling irons and styling the hair of all kinds tools is my hair style tools.

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