Best Body Jewelry to Express Who You Are

Not sure what type of body jewelry to wear? Then maybe you should look to the stars. Astrology can guide you through life and guide your fashion choices. Understand your personality and match it with the best body bling for you.

Tongue rings, belly button rings, earrings, toe rings, and the list goes on. The choice of body jewelry is virtually endless. But how do you know which type of body jewelry is best for you. Maybe you need to look to the stars to discover what your astrology chart says about you.

Aries: March 22-April 20

You want to be the boss so nobody can limit you when it comes to your body jewelry choice. You may prefer a stud necklace or a stud tongue ring. It's your decision.

Taurus: April 21-May 20

You love sentiment. The jewelry that you choose will reflect a special memory which could be a place or a moment.

Gemini: May 21-June 20

You're independent and know a little bit about a lot of things. Your jewelry will reflect this. If you have an interest in tribal cultures, you will opt for tribal jewelry; if you have an interest in botanical gardens, you may get a rose belly ring or tattoo.

Cancer: June 21-July 22

You are tough on the outside but all sentiment on the inside. You may go for a skull and bones design ring but we wouldn't be surprised to find a tattoo of tweety bird on your hip.

Leo: July 23-August 22

You are comfortable in your world and love to be in the spotlight. A dangling diamond or crystal body jewelry would compliment your being.

Virgo: August 23-September 22

You are calm and collected on the surface but raging with passion just beneath your skin. The body jewelry you wear will be just as hot.

Libra: September 23-October 22

You are a romantic at heart but you may seem a little cynical on the outside. Various ear piercings or a nose piercing are an easy choice for you.

Scorpio: October 23-November 22

You are strong, aggressive and very forward. Show off your strengths with the body jewelry that you choose.

Sagittarius: November 23-December 21

You are independent and capable so any type of jewelry that you find attractive will fit you perfectly. Try a toe ring or an unusual precious stone in your pierced jewelry.

Capricorn: December 22-January 19

You love the comforts of home. The metal that you choose for your body jewelry will reflect the warmth of home.

Aquarius: January 20-February 21

You love freedom and enjoy the company of a variety of people. Your body jewelry will be of many styles since you will change it to match the mood that you are feeling on any given day.

Pisces: February 22-March 20

You are mysterious and attractive. Your body jewelry will be chosen by what moves you. You may go for an unusual design or material but you will wear it well.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Is Body Jewelry Right For You?

We're not one-dimensional creatures. In fact, most of us are many things to many different people. We may be parents to our kids, helpers to our neighbors or civic groups, or good employees to our bosses. But privately or with close friends we may show a different side to our personality. That side may be more frank or assertive, boisterous or even daring. How can we maintain who we need to be while still being true to who we are inside?

Some people manage to balance their "external" lives with more private personal pleasures. That may mean reading certain types of books during free time or skydiving or learning how to drive a race car during vacation days. For others it may mean keeping small secrets like body jewelry hidden from others who may only see us as in certain roles. How can the VP of Accounting be good at her job and have a belly ring?

Whether or not body jewelry is right for your "other dimension" may be hard to determine. One of the most damaging things you could do would be to deny your personal interests. While it may not be practical to shirk your obligations and run off to start your own tattoo or body piercing store, you could easily find small ways to indulge your personal interests (like wearing body jewelry).

Exploring those personal interests - trying your hand at painting, pottery throwing, belly dancing - can help you keep your balance mentally and emotionally. A "quiet" mind can help you perform better at work and even be a better parent.

Next time you start to feel stifled by who the world "thinks" you should be, take heart. You can indulge in body jewelry or any number of other pursuits and let the real you emerge when nobody is looking (and still keep your day job).

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Disadvantages Of Cheap Belly Button Rings

Piercing of different body parts with various piercing rings and piercing studs has a long history. In different cultures and at different times men as well as women wore metal rings for various reasons. Some tried to show off their beauty and sex appeal, while others demonstrated their power or high social position. Sometimes the rings in the body even symbolized religious and solemn rites. Nowadays the situation has changed, but body piercing jewelry is still rather popular, especially among young people.

Rings for body piercing can be made of different materials. Traditionally they have been produced from pure gold, sterling silver, platinum, stainless steel, anodized titanium or other precious metals and their alloys. Such rings are often encrusted with precious stones or gems. But high-qualitative body piercing jewelry made from solid gold, for example, is rather expensive, so, young people often just can not afford such belly button rings. For this reason many designers and jewelers started to use cheaper materials for belly button rings manufacturing. Such body piercing jewelry, of course, has a lower cost price, so, nearly everyone can easily buy it. But still there are several facts you should be aware of, buying belly button rings of this sort.

Cheap belly button rings are never made of solid gold. As a rule, they contain different pigments and chemical components, which can influence your health. Chemical materials often cause allergic reactions. This leads to itch and burning of skin, sometimes the body temperature can raise. That's why, if you feel not very well after you have placed such a ring into your navel, you'd better take it off.

One more disadvantage of cheap belly button rings is their poor durability. In most cases they break rather soon. Moreover, they lose their attractiveness very quickly. After some months of wearing such ring will become dull and faded, while the rings made of solid gold will serve you for many years without loss of quality.

Besides, those parts of body, which are usually pierced, for example, tongue, lips, navel, nipple, eyebrow are rather sensitive. Cheap materials don't protect our body from infection so good as pure gold does.

From the one hand, belly button rings made from low-quality materials cost less, so everyone can afford them. But from the other hand, one should be aware that cheap rings not only are non-durable, but can be dangerous for health as well. sell retail and wholesale top quality body jewelry at good prices. At you can find lip rings, tongue rings, belly button rings, ear plugs and ear tunnels, ear rings, piercing tools & piercing supplies and many more

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Nose Rings, Studs And Bones - Which Is For You?

Nose piercings have become very popular among people who are in favour of surface piercings; nose rings, studs and balls are actually second in popularity after ear piercings. Although there are more women who have pierced noses than men, someone who wears a nostril piercing is making a personal statement for him- or herself. A successful piercing means someone followed their nose piercing aftercare instructions.

Nose piercings have a common place among the cultures of India as well as most parts of the middle east. As a matter of fact, in India and in some parts of the middle east, a man gives a woman he is about to marry a nose ring which is the western world's equivalent of a wedding ring. These days, nose bones are quite a bit popular. A woman would only need to turn her head for other people and men in particular to understand that she is already married.

Should you decide that you would like to go and get your nostril pierced, there are actually a couple of nose rings, studs and bones that you can choose from. There is the screw that starts as a straight stud but has hooks as well as curves so you would not be able to easily pull it out regardless of how much you pull at it. This particular stud is put in through the nostril by slowly inserting and is carefully removed through the fleshy part of the nostril. A nose bone on the other hand is a kind of stud that has a large round part at one end that is pushed through the nostril so that the jewelry is kept in its place.

There are a lot of people who advise against using a nose bone when you decide to go ahead and have your nose pierced for the first time. Because of the way a nose bone is designed, there is a distinct possibility that the shaft of the stud will be too short to get completely through a nostril that happens to be a little thicker than the average person. Even if a pierce is accomplished completely through the flesh, does not mean that the subsequent swelling won't swallow the nose bone. If the interior face of the piercing heals over, the nose bone may have to be removed surgically.

When you wear nose bone jewelry, your nose's wound would heal around the stud that is pierced through your nostril, with the egg-shaped end, which is somewhat larger than the shaft, this makes it very difficult to remove and can even slow down or worse - reverse the healing process because if you move it around or try to take it off, you would tear at the healing tissue, causing another wound. Piercers more often than not recommend that you opt for a nose screw instead during the beginning. A nose screw that is made of surgical stainless steel or if you can afford to have one, an eighteen karat gold nose screw.

Either way, a nose bone is still one of the accessories that you can always opt out for when trying to decide between nose rings studs and bones. Make sure that you only use the highest possible material for jewelry and that you consult the advice of professional piercers or doctors, paying special attention to the nose piercing aftercare you receive.

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Under Your Skin

As civilization marches forward, people will always be finding new ways to express themselves. While body modification has been around for centuries, the flux in the type and degree to which body modification is acceptable has been on the rise in recent years. For a long time, the only acceptable piercing in America seemed to be the earlobe, and then only if it was on a woman. I'm sure everyone nowadays has seen someone so exorbitantly bedecked with piercings on every flap of skin they could find, that the practice has almost become old-hat. That being said, some people may be still unaware of the evolution of piercing things that do not even require a hanging flap of skin-dermal piercings.

The differences between a dermal piercing and a traditional piercing is that instead of threading a piece of jewelry through a piece of skin, you are actually implanting one piece of jewelry underneath the sub dermal tissue of the skin, and using this as an "anchor" to hold the visible piece of jewelry. There are obviously certain complications with this method; one is that it can be quite painful, as it requires punching a deep hole in your skin to make sure that the anchor is deep enough to be effective. This is also a piercing generally reserved for those with extreme dedication to their body modification. Unlike conventional piercings that can simply be slipped in and out depending on the occasion, some even having the ability to heal if they are left out long enough, dermal piercings require a trained medical professional to uproot. Someone without medical training can perform the piercing itself because it only involves making a hole big enough to hold the anchor, then making sure it is secure. However, as the piercing heals, this piece of metal will become well entrenched in your body-you will not want someone without an MD trying to dig that out of you.

All complications aside, people are actually finding this a fairly appealing piercing to have. For one it allows you to have piercings in places that are easily hidden by clothes; if you're a piercing fanatic, but still want to be desirable to employers and thus can't get the full spectrum of facial piercings that have been in vogue for years, this is one way to get your fix. Furthermore, many piercers and piercing enthusiasts consider them to be a better mode of expression than standard piercings. While earrings and so forth can come in a variety of shapes, styles and designs, multiple dermal piercings can make their own. As dermal piercings can be done nearly anywhere on the body, you can plot points with them and make a sort of "connect-the-dots" version of an important symbol, or simply a design you find appealing.

Dermal piercings have erupted with such popularity among the counter-culture that it is likely that many more people will be drawn to them soon. Their ability to be concealed in most situations makes them ideal for the casual piercing lover, and their permanence appeals to the strong and rebellious piercing fanatic.

Written by John Throop, a writer for a tattoo & dermal piercings company in Chicago, IL.

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Are Belly Button Rings Still the Best Fashion Accessory for the Beach?

What is the best fashion accessory to wear with your bikini? Does it come from your growing collection of belly button rings or could there be a new player in town. Be sure that you are up to date on the best beach accessory this year.

Here comes the sun - and the season to bare it all on the beach with a sexy belly. This could just be the best season of all for those with a belly piercing as they look at all the belly button rings options to go with that new bikini. But hold on. Before you even hit those dressing rooms with all those scary mirrors and bad lighting, take a good look at that belly that you are going to flaunt at the beach. Is it in the best shape for belly button rings beach fashion?

No matter what type of bikini you choose, the best accessory (besides your belly button rings) is true confidence. Women's bodies come in all shapes, sizes and colors and men pretty much love them all! Knowing that is the first step to stepping out onto the sand in style.

However, what is really sexy is when that woman knows and loves her own body. When she is comfortable in her own skin then she can even pull off wearing a potato sack with style and confidence.

So where does that confidence come from? Well, that answer is different for each of us. But if for you it means getting your mid drift in top shape then you will be happy to know that you have time and the best tools at hands to make that happen.

You could do hundreds of crunches each day, and that could help build some of those underlying muscles. But more and more nutritional research is revealing that the shape of our belly is determined 80% by what we choose to eat.

Don't worry, you don't have to go on a belly rings diet in order to look your best in a bikini. In fact you should throw that four letter word "d-i-e-t" out of your vocabulary. Just learn about the best types of food to eat - the ones that work naturally with your body - and you will soon discover that you can eat great food, feel great from the inside out, and show off your belly button rings at the beach in style.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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How To Take Care Of Body Piercings and Side Effect Warnings

There are a lot of different ways for people to express themselves. Of course, not everybody has the time and resources to create a giant marble statue or write a series of novels. For most people, self-expression can be a matter as simple as putting on a particular kind of shirt, or wearing an interesting hat. For some people, self-assertion can go a little further than simply accessorizing and can be a little more... permanent.

Part of the appeal of body art like tattoos and body piercings, is that they can declare a person's sense of identity and point of view, even when they're going au natural. Between these two forms of body art, more people tend to do body piercing than tattoos though; especially since piercings are usually easy to do than tattoos.

As far as the question of how to take care of body piercing is concerned, barring infections or any other kinds of problems, it's usually pretty easy. The body piercing side effects, on the other hand, can range from completely negligible, to excruciatingly painful. Of course, these depend on where the piercing will be located.

If you're willing to take the pain that can come with piercing and the subsequent healing process, you can have piercings just about anywhere in the body. You can even have your genitals pierced; if that's the way you want to express yourself.

Not very many people in Westernized societies are inclined to do this, but those who do often claim that the pierced erm... areas enjoy enhanced sensitivity and that the sexual experience is improved.

Uh. OK.

It might be worth it for some people, but for a lot of others, the unbelievable pain that, say, a Prince Albert or an Isabella might involve, simply doesn't have enough of a payoff to make up for the horror of having your sensitive bits get stabbed through with a needle or a piercing gun. And that doesn't even take into account the recovery periods that these piercings require.

On the issue of how to take care of body piercings in these places, a Prince Albert, which is a piercing through the head of a man's... man-bits, has a healing period of two to four weeks. The Isabella piercing, which goes through the shaft of a woman's clitoris, has one that is two to three months long.

Of course, there are a lot of other, less sensitive places to get piercings.

The most common and socially acceptable places for people -women in particular- to get piercings are on the lower lobes of the ears. These spots are pretty easy to take care of, and since ear lobes are mostly fatty tissue with hardly any nerve endings anyway, they hardly hurt at all, once the deed has been done. Other common places to get body piercings are on the nostril, the lip, belly button, and eyebrows.

Regardless of where you want to puncture that hole in your anatomy, once the deed is done, you will have to watch out for body piercing side effects, like the swelling that might initially happen during the healing process.

When you get pierced, usually, to make sure that the hole created by the needle or gun keeps, a piece of jewelry is placed there to make sure that the piercing keeps. This piece of jewelry is normally a stud or a barbell, which you may have to get replaced every now and then, especially if the area around the piercing swells too much.

Once your piercing starts healing, a white or yellowish discharge might show up on your jewelry. If there isn't too much pain or swelling, you don't have to worry; this is a normal part of the healing process. If there's a lot of pain, and the area swells up a lot though, you might have an infection on your hands, and when this happens, it's a good idea to get it checked by a doctor.

To keep infections and other problems, like blood-transmitted diseases, from happening, make sure that you get pierced by a professional who uses sterile instruments and practices good hygiene. You'll also want to make sure that your piercing heals properly by keeping it clean with soap and water (never alcohol or hydrogen peroxide; these may kill germs, but they dry out the skin and slow down the healing process, too) and taking zinc and iron supplements, which will help your body heal more quickly.

Wherever you get your piercing; be it as innocuous as pierced ear lobes to something as radical as an Isabella, you will still always have to be careful so that you won't have to suffer through body piercing side effects like infection, excessive swelling, or allergic reactions. You will have to learn how to take care of body piercings.

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Are Belly Button Rings Passe?

Navel piercings have been very popular over the last few years as young females have enjoyed wearing belly button rings and showing off their midsection. Now this trend is being followed by a new one that allows people to pierce pretty much any part of their body.

Ever since Christy Turlington marched down the runway with her navel pierced in the mid-90s, belly button rings have taken off in popularity especially among high school and college age females. Most states have laws that prohibit piercing for those under 18 but some states allow parental consent to get around this age limit. Navel jewelry was ideal for the low-rise pants and tube tops popular over the last ten years and it will always look good with swimwear and the right type of evening wear. However, as fashion moves into new trends such as high-waisted pants and peasant blouses, will it be as much fun to wear belly button rings?

Of course, there are always the accepted piercing spots of ears, nose, mouth, and eyebrow. These continue to be popular and there are tons of cute jewelry to show off with any of these options. However, another type of piercing to consider is dermal anchoring or microdermal implants. This technique allows you to place an anchor practically anywhere on your body. Many people get them on their chest or arms or even on their face. The technician pulls up the top layer of skin and punches in a plate that will hold the top stud or jewel in place. It is supposed to be easy to do (by a professional, of course) and heals relatively quickly. You can even make a pattern with multiple implants.

And, once healed, you can change the jewelry as often as you'd like. There are sparkly jewels available for when you want to draw attention and skin tone ones for those times you want to play things down. As with any piercing, you have to keep the belly button rings clean and take care of yourself. Titanium is recommended for the material; stay away from anything that is not hypo-allergenic.

Are you ready to go from belly button rings to microdermal anchors? If you are over 18, only you can say!

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Common Problems With Piercings

So long as you get your piercing done by a professional piercer using sterile equipment, serious complications are rare. However, as with any medical procedure, there is no way to make anything 100% risk free. Infections, scarring, and accidents like tearing are always possible, and it's important for you to be aware of these risks, no matter how remote the chances.

The single biggest concern after any piercing is the immediate risk of infection. The most important thing to do is make sure the needle the piercer uses is sterile, which any professional piercer will do. Some piercings take more work to keep clean though - tongue rings in particular are hard to keep clean, as the mouth is such a breeding ground for bacteria. Regularly cleaning your piercing with hydrogen peroxide, and following any cleaning instructions your piercer gives you, are excellent ways to make sure this does not become a problem for you.

A serious infection, or a poor piercing job, can result in scarring. Any time your body has to heal itself the risk of scarring comes is there, and when you're talking about piercings you can end up with a hole that is unusable due to scar tissue that builds up inside it. This can also be a problem if the body rejects the material that the jewelry is made of, and therefore tries to force it out. The body usually does this by pushing the object out and then filling in the hole with scar tissue. This is usually preventable by wearing jewelry made of non-allergenic material like stainless steel for the first several weeks.

The gauge of the piercing lets you know how big you can wear your jewelry. If you try to wear earrings or belly button rings that are a larger gauge than the hole is, you can end up stretching or tearing the hole to the point that it becomes unusable. This is preventable by making sure you understand exactly what weight your piercing can handle, and what size gauge you can safely wear. For heavier jewelry you can also get piercing protectors, which you can fit into your piercing to help spread out the weight of the jewelry, and prevent it from stretching your piercing out.

Speak with your piercer to find out exactly what you can expect during the healing process. Generally speaking, piercings should not hurt for very long after the procedure - no more than a few days to a week. If you are experiencing pain for significantly longer, or the piercing is red, warm to the touch, or has the appearance of being infected, contact a doctor or your piercer immediately, as the complications can make the piercing much less attractive or even cause it to seal up entirely.

Philip has put together collections of belly button rings and tongue rings that are suitable for most occasions and styles.

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Lip Piercing - The Most Popular Types

Presently, there are various means of self-expression. Someone tries to wear an eccentric outfit. Someone else goes for a less usual haircut. Yet an additional way to express your personality is by means of lip piercing. The reason for this, above all, is the fact that our lips are probably the most expressive area on human face. Next, lip piercing is truly considered to be the easiest and the safest kind of piercing, since there are no major blood vessels located in human lips.

Although it is termed as lip piercing, it's not necessarily located on the lip itself, and can be found anywhere around the mouth. According to the specific position they occupy or graphic images they are associated with, types of lip piercing are named as follows:

• Monroe - located on the upper lip, exactly where Marilyn Monroe had her beauty spot.

• Madonna - this is just on the opposed side of Monroe piercing, named after Madonna's birthmark.

• Angelbites - these represent two piercings on the opposite sides of the upper lip.

• Snakebites - similar to Angelbites, but these are located on both sides of the lower lip.

• Medusa - considered being the real top labret piercing since it crosses the middle of the upper lip.

• Dahlia - another piercing executed on the upper lip, near the crease of the mouth.

• Philtrum - very similar to Medusa, refers to upper lip piercing.

• Cleft - is found on the portion between the edges of the top lip.

• Canine bites - located namely on the lip area. These are comparatively few in number if related to other types which have been previously mentioned.

How to Choose

The major thing you need to do even before you start choosing the preferable position for your piercing is trying to figure out the sensation of having these lip rings or studs inside your mouth. If you manage to understand what it will be like, then chances are that your lip piercing won't influence the way you eat, drink or talk.

Lower lip is much more suggested for piercing for the reason that it doesn't directly communicate with the gums. Thus you can be sure the area will be out of any danger. However, in case you take the decision to dedicate both sides of your upper lip to piercing, you should better use labret studs alone. Check out for the materials these are made of. For instance, it's great to have labret studs made of 18 carat gold, niobium, titanium, or surgical steel. What's more, check out that the jewels you choose for lip piercing are unproblematic to take out.

Visit the Body Jewelry Shop We sell retail and wholesale high quality body jewelry at good prices. At you can find lip rings, tongue rings, belly button rings, ear plugs and ear tunnels, ear rings, piercing tools & piercing supplies and many more

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Will Body Jewelry Make Your Good Kid Bad?

Every day I am more and more amazed at how fast my daughter is growing. It seems like the last time I looked, she was eight. Now she's going on fifteen. I'm so proud of the young person she's becoming. She is an excellent student and a good athlete and wants to go far in life. So when she displays interests or behaviors that are really very common to kids her age, I get shocked and find myself unable to process her feelings.

It seems many of her friends are advancing from standard ear piercings to other forms of body jewelry. I've seen one girl with a tragus and another with an eyebrow ring. While these forms of adornment won't be condoned by my daughter's coach, she still longs for other more questionable body jewelry.

Where her father and I struggle is with the notion of restricting her from something that she obviously thinks is important. Wouldn't that seem like punishment to a kid who excels and performs at almost everything she does? It would be easier to say "no" to body jewelry if she were a poor student or constantly had to be talked to about her behavior or attitude. That's not the case here.

On the other hand, we aren't parents to be friends. Parenting is parenting, and sometimes that means standing firm with rules you believe will serve the best long-term interests of your child, like body jewelry. If this sounds like something you're experiencing, I'd encourage you to talk openly and honestly with your kid about your concerns. They need to know why you don't support the idea, lest they think you don't care about their interests or don't believe they're living up to other expectations. If you just deliver an arbitrary "no!" without explanation, your good kid just might rebel.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Septum Piercing Information

The word "septum" is given to the cavity part that acts as a partition wall between two tissues or cavities. The cartilage wall between the two nostrils is called Nasal Septum. When the cartilage between the nostrils is pierced, to put up some kind of accessory within, it is called septum piercing.


Septum piercing had been in practice since time unrecorded. If a bigger sized accessory is worn in the pierced septum, it enhances the fierceness of the look. This was in vogue during early ages to bring the ferocity on the face and alert the enemies of the strength and will to win over.


The cartilaginous wall between the two nostrils is pierced through with a needle or wire made of gold or silver. The needle or the wire is always sterilized before piercing with it. Usually the septum is pierced in a width measurement of 1.6mm. In some cases the width could be more and then the piercing needs to be done with wider instruments like scalpel, etc. or as some might wish medically operated.

The nose is cleaned and disinfected before the septum is pierced. Though the procedure can be painful but if in expert's hands then the procedure is completed with no difficulty or complication.

The septum piercing takes about 2-3 weeks to dry and heal, and the slightest traction or even lightest brush could result in pain and lead to further complication. But the complete healing procedure needs around 6-8 months

Accessory Size

The pierced septum can hold the accessory according to the pierced part's width only. Usually the accessories come in 1.6mm width but again wider accessories are also available. Usually a ring or a semi-ring is worn in the hole, of varied sizes.


The after care session is more important and difficult in a septum piercing.

After the piercing a little swelling due to a white fluid secretion will occur, this is a natural phenomenon in which the body reacts to the piercing. But in case the secretion tends to be in yellow or greenish color then it could lead to some complication signs.Even if the discoloured fluids secret then also it is advised by experts to keep the accessory inside the pierced part, trying removing might cause further complication because of the traction included in the process and taking the accessory out can also close the pierced hole.The pierced septum should be cleaned with warm water and sea salt mixed in it, using a cotton ball with the accessory removed from the nose.

Recovery Ways

If some simple lifestyle rules and proper guidelines by the experts are followed then the pierced septum can heal much faster.

Any kind of alcohol consumption drags the time span of septum piercing healing. Avoid drinking alcohol based beverages, and even using facial cosmetic products containing the slightest hint of alcohol.As mentioned earlier, cleaning the freshly pierced septum is a must. Any negligence can lead to infections and even further complications.


Like all kinds of piercing septum piercing is also risky. Improper sterilization of the piercing tool or improper disinfection of the nose before piercing could lead to serious diseases like Hepatitis and AIDS. Even further complications risk permanent deformity of the nose.

Sport a great septum piercing and flaunt fabulous accessories in the septum, but with great care taken before and after any kind of body piercings.

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Coaches Frown On Body Jewelry

My daughter plays several sports, including volleyball, basketball and track. She may even go out for soccer next year! All these sports are great for her in so many ways, we work hard as a family to support her interests. There'd be little issue if her scholastics weren't right on top with her game, but we're blessed because she manages the demands of both very well. We just handle the on-the-go lifestyle as best we can!

Sports can teach young girls some very valuable lessons, including self confidence, a sense of power over their own lives, and more. It can teach them how to deal with hardships and disappointments, and how to work as part of a team to achieve your goals. Another positive outcome is a focus on physical fitness, something I hope lasts with her throughout her life.

But like any teen, she's interested in beauty and boys as well. Her latest interest is around adding some body jewelry to her already pierced ears. It was hard enough on her father when she started wearing makeup, I'm not sure how he'll respond to the notion of body jewelry. To our generation, it signifies a certain flamboyancy that we just don't want our daughter to demonstrate or lead someone to think about.

And body jewelry typically isn't accepted by most sports coaches, either. They see it as a hazard to safety and a distraction. Imagine if someone was diving for a ball and accidentally grabbed a belly ring with their fingernail or finger before falling to the court. Talk about ouch!

So, in addition to the message issue, there's a serious physical issue as well with wearing body jewelry. As parents, we decided against it as long as our daughter gets her financial support from us. It's a family decision, one you might have to make too.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Express Your Creativity With Body Jewelry By You

Jewelry-making has become more and more popular. If you are looking for something unique and truly "you" in body jewelry, consider creating your own.

There are so many creative people and so many ways to show off your artsy side. If you are into body jewelry such as belly button, nose, or eyebrow rings, did you know you could make your own? Because this type of accessory is already very affordable, you may not save money in doing so but sometimes it is more about being unique and showing the world who you are. After all, isn't that why you got your navel or nose pierced in the first place?

Here are some ideas for getting started:

1. Take a class at your local community college. Most continuing education programs include a jewelry-making class or two. Some people learn better when they can do things hands-on but with the guidance an expert instructor can provide. Oftentimes, the cost of the class includes supplies but pay attention to the fine print when signing up.

2. Take a class at a local craft store or boutique. The craft store chains are starting to pick up on this "do-it-yourself" trend by carrying jewelry-making supplies. They often offer classes for items they carry in the store so check the schedule at the locations in your area. They also usually offer a discount on supplies for those who are taking the courses they offer. Don't forget the small boutiques too! We have a locally owned bead store in our city that offers classes on body jewelry. You may have something like that near you.

3. Search the internet for how-to videos. If you can't find anything local or your prefer to learn at your own pace, you can be sure there is something on the web to help you out: videos, articles, etc. You can also find supplies online.

Once you get started, you should be able to make your own barbells, posts studded with jewels or gems that you like and more. There is no end to the body jewelry you can create!

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Will Belly Button Rings Lead Your Daughter To More Body Piercing?

Belly button rings are increasing in popularity with young females. Not everyone likes this, especially not parents. Are navel piercings really that bad and will they encourage more of the same?

Getting your navel pierced to wear belly button rings is safer than it has ever been. Most tattoo studios offer body piercing of many kinds along with their amazing options for body artwork. These studios are usually state-regulated so that you can be assured the staff are professionals and the tools they use are sterile and safe. Even though most states prohibit body piercing or tattoos for those under 18, some will allow the procedure on those younger as long as the parent consents. However, there are a good number of reasons for a parent to hesitate in giving their permission.

A navel piercing is best done by a professional and requires diligent aftercare to avoid infection. If your teenager does not practice good hygiene in all areas of her life then she may not be ready for this step. The healing process for this one procedure can take up to a year, so she has to be patient and willing to wait before she dives into the variety of belly button rings available to her. And we all know patience is difficult when you are young.

As a parent, you may wonder if this first taste of body jewelry will encourage her to branch out to other areas. It is hard to say but it is something you should think about before you give your okay. How would you feel if your child pierced her eyebrow or nose or mouth? Will she stop at belly button rings?

There seems to be no end to places people will pierce and once your daughter is out on her own you can't control what she does. You may decide that letting her go through this one belly button rings procedure while she is still under your roof is a good idea. You can help her through the discomfort and healing process so she will make good choices later, on her own, about belly button rings and everything else.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Getting Your Nose Pierced

Are you thinking of getting your nose pierced? Think hard before you do it. It's very off-putting to many people, although it's has become popular in recent years. The practice has been part of the religious rites in Africa for centuries.

If you can't be dissuaded, you should at least take steps to make sure that your nose piercing heals properly. Let's discuss how you can do that.

Step one in any type of piercing is to visit a doctor. Let him or her know what you are planning to do and ask for advice. They will let you know if it is advisable based on your health. It's in your best interest to get a check up before you get it done.

After you have your nose pierced be sure to keep it clean. In fact be sure to clean it twice a day and remove any disgusting blood or ooze that may have crusted there. No one wants to see that. Keep your jewelry clean, as well.

When you're cleaning your nose use warm salt water and cotton balls. Hydrogen peroxide is advised against since it can be abrasive.

If you have your nose jewelry in, don't play with it. It's gross to see people with their fingers in and around their nose. Plus, your nose will not heal well if you are fiddling with it. Keep you hands away from it, for everyone's sake.

You'll find that if you do play with your jewelry too much you can tear the hole or get a bacterial infection. Either one is not pleasant and can have nasty repercussions.

If you get a piercing be aware that it may make your skin swell. If this happens don't sweat it. It's not uncommon. Just see your doctor to make sure it's not infected. In the worse case scenario, you'll just have to remove the silly piercing, let it heal and chalk it up to experience.

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If You Could Only Have One Type of Body Jewelry What Would It Be?

I know. It's seems almost a crime to limit yourself to just one type of anything...especially body jewelry! You can adorn virtually every part of your body with some sort of jewel, precious metal, or tribal inspired design. For each person the answer to this question will be different. What we discovered is that their choice was often related to the reasons that they chose certain types of body jewelry in the first place.

As an example, there were several respondents to our study that indicated that a nose ring or stud would be their top choice. The reasons varied. Some chose this type of nose piercing because it made them feel close to or identify with Eastern religion or its philosophy. They believed that it was an outward expression of their personal inner peace. Other reasons included the tradition that a jeweled nose was a reflection of a family's status.

Another popular body jewelry choice in our one option survey was belly rings. These have become very popular as a result of many celebrities exposing their middles with glamorous stones or diamonds. The most often cited reason related to fashion; however, the belief that a belly ring was viewed as sexy came in a close second.

Earring and Rings came in a tie for third place in our body jewelry hunt. Many were pleased with the wide variety of choices they have when it comes to styles, materials, and sizes. They enjoyed the fact that they could easily accessorize with this type of jewelry to match their outfit or their mood.

Honorable mention on our survey of body jewelry goes to nipple rings, toe rings, and tongue rings. Respondents felt that this type of jewelry for the body placed them outside of society's box of norms, a place that they were comfortable with. They wanted to express their individual spirits and felt body jewelry of this style allowed them to do that.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Belly Rings Are Art For Your Body

Belly rings are not just a standard silver barbell anymore; they are a fashionable piece of artwork for the body.

Belly rings were once known to be simple, silver barbells. As they became more mainstream, that view changed. Today you can find them in any shape or design you can imagine. Most body jewelry has evolved over the years, but none as much as belly rings. They have truly become works of art.

Taking advantage of the location of the piercing and all the smooth flesh around it, navel rings have gotten larger than ever before without losing their daintiness. Instead of a basic curved barbell that you might be able to get in a few colors, you can now purchase rings that are fashion statements all on their own.

From the very popular belly rings that have charms hanging from them to the slightly less common ones that have belly chains connected to them, these rings can be found in any design you can think of. And the variety isn't only in design. They also vary greatly when it comes to color and accessories. Many belly rings come with jewels embedded in them to add extra sparkle and shine to the navel.

Really, the only thing that limits what your navel rings look like is your checkbook. You can find stainless steel, gold, platinum, even titanium if you are willing to spend the money. And those are just the base materials. Next comes and enamel work and stones. From fake plastic diamonds to actual rubies, pearls, and sapphires the sky is the limit in belly ring design.

With the large variety of belly rings available on the market today, they are treated more like any other piece of jewelry. Just as you would change your necklace depending on your outfit, you also change your navel ring. And with this choice of jewelry comes more and more outfits designed to showcase these little pieces of art.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Properly Caring For And Shopping For Belly Button Rings

When you think of belly rings, do you think of teenage girls that obviously have parents will lose rules? You might be surprised to learn that a great many grown women are choosing this type of body decoration as a means to improve their appearance. The long-term benefit of getting a body piercing is increased self-esteem, which is something that just about everyone could use more of from time to time.

However, making the choice to get a navel piercing is one that should not be taken lightly. Although a piercing isn't as permanent as a tattoo, for example, the fact remains that it is a choice that deserves thorough contemplation on your part. This is primarily true because of the level of personal care that's necessary in order to avoid getting an infection at the piercing site.

For this reason, if you are considering belly button rings, you should do a lot of reading about the proper way to care for this piercing. You might be surprised to learn that most experts agree that you should leave the initial piercing in place for many months before you even think about changing it out. The good news is that after this healing time has passed, you can change out belly button rings on a regular basis if you so choose.

In fact, this is where the real fun begins. Shopping for jewelry is simply a fun time. With the great variety of styles and materials that are available today, you can literally choose a different one every day of the week, if you wish. The only caveat is that if you are not wearing a shirt that allows your midriff to show, you should choose belly button rings that lie flat against your body. Save the fancier belly button rings for those nights out on the town.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Belly Rings Are Safer Than Ever

Belly rings are no longer one of the most dangerous piercing to get.

Belly rings have benefitted the most from the new guidelines in regards to piercings. They have also profited greatly from society accepting piercings in all sexes and age groups.

Ever since belly rings were spotted on the runway in the early nineties, teen girls have been poking needles through their navels hoping to achieve the same look. Sadly, because they were considered too young and piercing wasn't regulated properly, many of these girls turned to friends or their mom's sewing kit to get their piercing.

Being underage with parents that won't sign a consent form meant that many girls would take matters into their own hands. Belly rings done correctly can be tricky enough, but done by amateurs without sterile conditions was a recipe for disaster. Infected navels were a common site through most of the nineties and you can still see scarred navels today.

Today, piercings have become more common and accepted by society. This leads to more parents signing the consent forms letting their children get pierced properly and safely. Done in sterile conditions, belly rings have a better chance of healing quickly and properly. Being done by a professional also lessens the risks of the piercing hitting a vital vein or doing any other damage.

Having navel rings accepted by society means there is no reason to hide the piercing. This lets air get to the holes, which promote healthy healing and helps prevent infection. Many navel infections were caused by girls hiding their piercing under bandages or layers of shirts, this would create a warm bacteria rich area in which infection went crazy.

All of these points add up to show that belly rings are safer today than ever. Proper piercing done by a professional followed up by correct care means no scarring. Even better than no scarring, properly done belly rings add beauty and intrigue to the body.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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