When it comes to belly button rings, like it or not, you will have questions before and after your pregnancy. Yes it is possible but is it good?
Surf the internet on the pregnancy and the navel piercings and you'll find many comments positive and negative, including things such as:
* I have no problem. Develop a position of pregnancy and through just fine.
* I took my navel ring during pregnancy. The piercing closed and I had to be redone.
* I have a mess on my hands. Stretch marks, scars, and now I need to correct all the plastic surgery.
Everyone has a different experience, but you must take into account that sometimes it is not only more through pregnancy, there is one then to deal. It can't hurt to ask yourself these questions before you sign up for a navel piercing:
1 I plan or hope to have more than one child? It may be more difficult to keep the ring intact navel through multiple pregnancies.
2. Does plan to care for my children? If Yes, consider that you will be taking the child to the stage for many months. Babies have a way to shoot things and find things that you do not want what they.
3. I will have time and energy to take care of my post-baby belly button? You will have your hands full of layers and milk and drooling and, sometimes, a shower is the only thing that you will be accomplished in a day. Do you really want something more to worry about?
4. I agree with the fact that my belly is not the same aspect after baby! You can never show your body in this manner again. But still willing to show your navel ring may be just the incentive you need to return to form.
Think about it. Babies and belly button rings can not mix by nature but only you can answer the question if this is normal with you.
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