Belly Rings Rank in the Top 5 Types of Jewelry That Girls Want

You may be wondering, with so many types of jewelry to buy which ones are the most popular right now? There are belly rings, toe rings, earrings, nose rings, and the list goes on and on. Face it; there is a piece of jewelry for practically every part of your body. And the styles are only limited by imagination and budget. There is no rule that says that you can only have one type of jewelry. Love the difference and live the excitement of body jewelry!

The current trends in body jewelry include 5 top items that are becoming "must haves" for girls.

5. Earrings - This is a tried and true type of jewelry. Very often, an ear lobe piercing will be the first one for a girl with some going through the experience before they can even walk. The styles are abundant and you can often find them to compliment your belly rings.

4. Toe Rings - These are especially popular in the warmer months when freshly painted and tanned toes are free to wiggle in sandals and heels. Many girls can't wait for the season to pull off the socks and let their toes free!

3. Nose Rings - More girls are warming up to the delicate stones that can be placed in a nose piercing. The tradition of a nose ring goes back centuries and the social connections are positive.

2. Rings for the finger - Still a favorite, these can be worn with everything! There is a wide variety of costume jewelry that is a lot of fun and inexpensive.

1. Belly Rings - This is still the top trend and more and more girls search online for information about belly piercings. What they are discovering is that apprehensions they may have had in the past about the piercing and the belly rings fade away as they educate themselves on the process.

There you have it. From belly rings to earrings, the desire for body jewelry is still strong. You will rarely go wrong with your choice of jewelry as you explore everything wonderful about being a girl.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Fashion Leads the Way for More Belly Button Rings

Clothing fashions will continue to drive the demand for belly button rings. As women have burned their bras and bared their bellies, they can now enjoy the type of body jewelry that will enhance the exposed areas of their skin. No longer confined to belly dancers or travelling gypsies, belly button rings have come into the mainstream partially because of popular clothing designs that truly enhance a woman's body.

Just consider the changing fashion trends throughout the ages. Imagine trying to wear rings on your belly underneath a tight fitting corset and hoop skirt ensemble, popular in the Victorian era. As the clothes became a little looser, and much more comfortable, the door began to open up to various types of body jewelry. However, in many cases the exposure of a woman's skin was still frowned upon.

With the 1920's we had the emergence of Flappers and a little more flair in the clothing choices for women. In the 50's we had many conservative styles - think "Leave it to Beaver". And then came the 1960's, free love, Woodstock, and a celebration of the body.

The fashion industry has been a companion to every era and every style trend. Sometimes leading the trend, and sometimes accommodating the new spirit in an expression of what it means to be a woman. In today's terms that new spirit includes a bold expression and celebration of women in the 21st century. Our opportunities are abundant and our ability to express who we are through body art, body jewelry and belly button rings is readily accepted by a larger group of the general population.

Fashion trends happily expose the woman's midriff which accommodates the desire for belly button rings which complement what women wear. From classy, to trashy, to silly, to just plain fun, fashion body jewelry is a natural partner to fashion, flair, and individuality.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Keloid Scar Treatments - What You Should Know

What are keloids, anyway?
First, let's discuss what a keloid scar is. They are basically made up of fibrous material within the confines of a scar, such as a chicken pox scar or a body piercing gone awry. They can range in size, from tiny and barely noticeable except to the touch, or they can get so large as to be an annoyance and in the way. They are generally smooth to the touch, and range in color from pink to red.

The problem
The problem with keloid scars is that they don't stop growing and migrating into flesh that hasn't been injured. The keloid itself is made up of scar tissue that never stopped growing or stopped after there was a large and noticeable bulge present on the surface of the skin. Most regular scars tend to fade away over time, but keloids do not.

There is no known reason why keloids happen. Some studies say that darker skinned people tend to get them more often than lighter skinned, but there is no definitive proof of this. Nor is there any reason to think that women get them more often than men, even though studies seem to indicate this. It is true, however, that women tend to have more piercings, thus having more opportunities to develop keloids. This may or may not be the reason why studies indicate women get them more often than men.

Is it possible to prevent keloid scars?
Since medical science has no idea why keloid scars occur nor for whom they will present, it is impossible to suggest any sort of preventative measures. If you have had them before or if you have other family members who have had them, then there's a good chance you will develop them with your next piercing. But there is no guarantee. The only way to avoid keloid scars is to not wound yourself, whether deliberately through body piercing or accidentally.

When Prevention Is Not Enough
Not injuring yourself is not always so easy. Accidents happen. Illnesses, like chicken pox, also happen and can cause keloid scars. There are measures one can take to get rid of keloids, but re-occurrance is very likely. Radiation, chemotherapy drugs, steroids, surgery and healing creams and gels all have their merits, but also have drawbacks. For example, A woman with whom I was speaking concerning her keloid problems told me that after 5 surgeries to remove the same scars, over and over, the only thing that worked, finally, for her was a combination of surgery, steroids and radiation.

For a more in-depth discussion about the different methods of keloid scar treatment, please refer to an article we recommend: Keloid Scar Treatment. Also, this and much more information can be found on our site, Body Piercing Plus.

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Belly Button Rings Break The Age Barrier

Belly button rings were once thought of as a teen thing, but that is no longer the case.

Belly button rings have been popular since the early nineties, especially among the under twenty set. At one point, teen girls were getting their navels pierced more often than their ears. Today that has not changed. Teen girls still love their belly button rings, but more and more often you're seeing them pop up on the thirty and older set as well.

This has come into play for several reasons. The biggest reason is because people age. The same teenage girls who were getting their navels pierced in the nineties are now in their thirties and they have no desire to remove their belly button rings. At this point, the women are just used to having their navels pierced and see no reason to give it up just because they have hit the big 3-0.

Another reason why belly button rings are bridging the age gap has to do with how society is viewing ages. If forty is the new thirty, then thirty is the new twenty-one, and at twenty-one most women have no problem piercing their navel. In fact they are often just as proud to show them off as the teen, if not more proud. As women age they tend to get more confident in all aspects of their lives. Instead of having belly button rings because their friends have them, they have them because they like them.

One of the other big reasons why navel rings can be found on women in their thirties and forties has to do with the health craze that is still hitting the world. People care more about how they look and feel today than they did thirty years ago. This means people look just as good if not better at thirty then they did in their teens. So of course, they want the chance to show off their belly button rings, and look and feel younger.

All of these reasons combined with the natural confidence that comes with age make for belly button rings no longer being just a "teen thing." Instead, they are now a beautiful thing at any age.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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The War of the Belly Rings: When Mom Says Yes and Dad Says No

Parents don't always agree with what their children want. Parents don't always agree with each other. This is true with little things like what is best to eat as well as some of the other things like whether or not wearing belly rings is okay. It can be frustrating to get the green light from one parent only to have the other parent slam on the brakes. This happens in households where the parents live together as well as households that have been separated by divorce. It's an equal opportunity conundrum.

So what can you do, the teenager, who wants nothing more right now than to get a piercing so that you can wear one of the cute and trendy belly rings? This may be your very first lesson in persuasion and negotiation. There is no guarantee that you will win the battle of the belly rings but you will have the opportunity to learn a little more about your parents and a little more about how to effectively argue your cause.

How you approach this dilemma will often depend upon the relationship that you have with your parents as well as what their relationship with each other is like. I've seen terrible power plays acted out as divorced parents continue their personal struggles under the guise of doing what is best for the kids. Kids don't want to be put in the middle of the situation, but often they are.

You could choose to go with the parent that agrees with the piercing and have them sign the permission form and then happily make your choice of belly rings that you will buy. The challenge with this is that you open a "can of worms" with the other parent. They may either blame the consenting parent for undermining them, or they may feel hurt and betrayed by you for not listening to their decision.

The other option that you have is to embark on a persuasion campaign with the parent that objects. If you want them to view you as a young adult ready to handle your choice and the added attention that will come with wearing belly rings then you should act accordingly.

Explain to them why you would like to get the piercing. Educate them on the procedure and the after care that you are ready to follow so that there is no infection. Ask them why they object to the piercing, their answer may enlighten you. Based upon that answer you may be able to give them information that they hadn't considered before. It's possible that they object simply because they know someone who knows someone who has a daughter that wears belly rings who is a trouble maker, or poor student. They may fear that by getting a belly piercing you are somehow just like that other girl.

Remind them who you are. Remind them of your values, your uniqueness, and everything that makes you the great person you are. Tell them that you respect them and would like them to re-consider their objection. Ask them what they would need to see in order to agree with your wishes.

This is all a process and will not guarantee that your jewelry box will be filled with belly rings as a result of your efforts....the objecting parent may still object. The decision to pierce or not to pierce will still be up to you. You can choose to do it now, without full support of both parents or you can wait until you are of age where your parents will not be put at odds against each other. Try persuasion, you may just be surprised at the results or the relationships that build because of it.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Navel Piercing Types

Centuries ago, Egyptians used to adorn themselves with different forms of body piercings. As for navel piercing, only members of the royal family were allowed to do that. Anyone else who attempted to pierce one's navel could be sentenced to death. Modern times have been more tolerant, that is why the interest in navel piercing broke out with a new force during the 80's and 90's of the previous century.

These days, increasingly more people are having a navel piercing done. And of course, the reasons for having this kind of piercing differ from those of ancient times. Someone gets it for the look. Someone else wants to have a secret spot to show only to special people. If you already have your own reasons for it, it's time to think about the type to choose.

There are some different modes of navel piercing to select from. Some of them depend on how big in size your belly is and whether your navel is placed inward or outward. According to navel location, the piercing is called "innie" or "outie." Navel piercings are also performed on the top, bottom, or sides of the navel.

• The most largely accepted type of navel piercing is the "innie". It's located just above the navel plug. When correctly performed, it looks great, especially on a well-shaped abdomen. If you're not endowed with the proper anatomy, your piercing may also be torn through the skin in case it's too low-settled.

• The "outie" piercing is located leftward from your belly-button. It's a rather complicated kind of navel piercing since a lot of blood vessels are concentrated inside and around this plug. On account of this, blood loss may be more abundant. As well risks of getting infected are higher.

• Upper rim is the standard kind of piercing, which is performed at the top of the navel ring.

• Lower rim is done at the bottom side of the belly button ring.

• Sides are generally called the piercings which are located on belly-button sides. These can be either left or right side, anywhere among the top and bottom sides of the navel ring.

It's possible to have up to four piercings done to your navel. However, it doesn't mean you can do them all at once. In such cases you get exposed to greater risks as well as more profuse bleeding. The best idea is having one navel piercing done at a time, wait for it to heal, and then think about another one.

Visit the Body Jewelry Shop We sell retail and wholesale high quality body jewelry at good prices. At you can find lip rings, tongue rings, belly button rings, ear plugs and ear tunnels, ear rings, piercing tools & piercing supplies and many more

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The History and Culture of Stretched Ears

People have been decorating and making changes to the appearance of their bodies since recorded history began. This has taken many forms through the ages, such as tattooing, piercing, stretching, scarring, branding, muscle sculpture, hair styling and many more, and for almost as many different reasons.

The three major purposes of these forms of body modification have historically been tribal (to display allegiance to one tribe or group of people), in war (to scare the enemy and distinguish friend from foe), and for fashion and perceived beauty. Ear stretching has been popular for centuries, but this popularity has increased in Western culture in recent years.

For some, there is a profound spirituality in the protracted process of stretching ears, while for others it is fun and more involved than simple ear piercing, and the fact that fewer people do it adds to its appeal. Others have their own reasons, but irrespective of these, stretched ears have always been part of human history and will continue to be so.

Reasons For Stretching Ears

Just as with other forms of body modification or enhancement, people have historically stretched their ears for a number of reasons. For some cultures, this represented a coming of age, while for others it was carried out to enhance beauty or sexuality. Throughout the ages it has been used both for religious reasons and to protect the subject from witchcraft or evil. Ear stretching is still carried out all over the world for a variety of reasons, including those mentioned above.

If you travel to Africa, you will find that stretched ears are common among many indigenous peoples, including the Maasia in east Africa, the Mursi in Ethiopia, and it is also carried out in some Asian countries such as Thailand. In South America, stretched ears are common amongst the Huaorami of the Amazon Basin, but you generally need go no further than your own hometown to see some excellent examples of ear stretching. Stretched piercings and flesh tunnels are now a common form of ear adornment for Western youth.

Icemen and Pharaohs

One of the more famous examples from history is Ötzi the Iceman, a 5,300 year-old mummified body found in the Alps between Austria and Italy. In addition to several tattoos, Ötzi had an ear stretched to around 7 mm - 11 mm diameter. The giant Easter Island statues display stretched ear lobes, the likely reason for them being known as 'Long Ears'. The story goes that the statues were carved in honour of the original inhabitants of the island representing them with the earlobe stretchings that were part of their culture. When a different tribe arrived on the island, they were known as 'Short Ears', and were forced into slavery by the Long Ears. Eventually there were more Short Ears than Long Ears, and the latter were overthrown and the statues toppled over.

In Egypt, the boy king Tutankhamen is represented as having stretched ears, and his famous golden death mask features holes that can take 10 mm diameter bars. The processes used to stretch these famous sets of ears are not known, because there are many techniques that can be used. It is likely that primitive stretchings were carried out using wooden plugs or bamboo, and although a few people like to return to these early methods, they are not recommended today for health reasons.

Stretching Ears is Not Reversible

If you are interested in stretched ears, there are certain factors of which you should be aware. The first is that it is generally permanent. Once stretched, your ears stay that way. The holes do not heal over like a normal ear piercing, so make sure that you are happy with having stretched ears for the rest of your life. There is time at the beginning to stop and allow your ears to heal back to normal, but once the diameter reached 10-12 mm, it is too late and the hole will not close up. Another is that it takes time and patience. You do not visit a piercer and come out after an hour or two with stretched ears!

If you have decided that you want it done, you are advised to have the procedure carried out professionally. Yes, you can go it alone, but a professional will provide you with the best results, and it will also be safer. It will be quicker if your ears are already pierced, because otherwise you will need that done first and then wait up to 8 weeks for it to heal. Then you can start of the stretching, or gauging as it is often referred to.

That is because the diameter of the needles used is referred to as their 'gauge'. The gauge of a needle drops as the diameter increases, so that an 18-gauge needle is small - in fact, that's the gauge of an average initial piercing. Once you reach a 2 gauge, the diameter is that of a pencil and so on down. An 11 mm hole is 000-gauge (actually 11.11 mm or 7/16 inch).

Ear Stretching Should Not Be Rushed

As already explained, ear stretching is a slow process, and you should never try to rush it. If you try to rush, it will likely take longer eventually because unless the ear has time to get used to each lower gauge it won't heal properly. You might then have to start all over again. Gauged ears should not bleed and there is distinct procedure to follow. Fundamentally, you increase the diameter of the piercing in small steps, allowing healing between each step. A common way to achieve this is to use an insertion taper, where one end of the taper is the same diameter as your existing hole, and the other side is of larger diameter.

This can be in the form of a stud that you wear until you are ready for the next size up. The next stud will have one end at the current diameter and the other at the lower gauge (larger diameter). That is pushed through and secured, and you wear that until the next insertion, and so on. If you keep your ears and jewellery clean and sterilized between sessions using anti-bacterial soap or saline solution then you should heal fine between each session - allow about two weeks between sessions.

Take the Advice of the Pros

It is very important to follow the advice of the professionals, and do not try to cut corners. Many people have ruined their ears by failing to be patient, so don't let that be you. Follow cleaning instructions to the letter, both during and after the entire stretching process. There are many different types of ear jewellery available for stretched ears, including flesh tunnels, bars and rings.

There is also a wide choice of materials, from wood or plastic to gold and platinum. Many prefer glass while others find Teflon best, particularly if they suffer allergies. Niobium, surgical stainless steel and titanium are also popular materials for stretched ear jewellery.

Keep in mind that not all can be worn indefinitely, particularly the porous materials such as wood, shell and some plastics that can harbour bacteria, yeasts and fungi. Such jewellery should be regularly removed and thoroughly cleaned and sterilized. Ear stretching sets you apart from the usual crowd, and can be a very distinctive form of ornamentation. It is something that few people regret having done.

It is important that you fully understand what flesh tunnels uk are and the implications of ear gauging. More information on ear stretching is available from, where you will find all you need to know plus a fabulous range of gorgeous ear jewellery.

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Eyebrow Piercing - The Most Popular Types

Our eyes are among the most significant areas on the human body. Of course, an excellent means to underline the eyes is through various kinds of piercings. Whereas other types of face piercings are getting more accepted, eyebrow piercing is already a leader and still originating new styles in body piercing

According to the position it has got, eyebrow piercing can be classified into several types.

• Horizontal eyebrow piercing is horizontally located above the eyebrow, following its line. The extraordinary look of this piercing can add to the shape of your eyebrow. Jewelry options that will suit this kind of piercing include barbells, curved barbells, banana bells as well as bio-plast barbells.

• Bridge piercing represents an alternative to nose piercing. It's the portion of skin between the top of your nose and your eyes which is pierced. Yet, this is not the best variant if you've got a tight skin in the area because it will dry and flake away.

• Anti-eyebrow piercing is performed slightly below the inferior eye orbit, right on the upper cheekbone. As well as the two preceding types, this one is executed exactly underneath your skin, without even touching your facial muscles or bones.

• A variant of the common eyebrow piercing is the spiral eyebrow. The difference between them is the spiral eyebrow type consists of two or three successive holes. Afterward, a spiral-shaped piece jewel is passed through all these holes.

• The T eyebrow piercing represents a typical vertical and a horizontal piercing. These are executed in immediate closeness to one another so as to create the shape of the letter "T".

• When two or more types of piercing are combined, this is labeled as combination or multiple eyebrow piercing.

How to Choose Eyebrow Body Jewelry

It's your personal choice as for what angle of your brow you'd like to have pierced. The truth is any puncture requires the same efforts for healing. The eyebrow body piercing is normally made according to the marks, upper and lower. It's a known fact that horizontal piercings are usually difficult to deal with, but an expert is able to perform this kind of operation. As soon as you decide on what type of eyebrow body piercing you will have, tell the master about your choice. An experienced specialist who has got a clear notion of the brow anatomy will correctly select the position so as to avoid grazing your nerve-endings.

Visit the Body Jewelry Shop We sell retail and wholesale high quality body jewelry at good prices. At you can find lip rings, tongue rings, belly button rings, ear plugs and ear tunnels, ear rings, piercing tools & piercing supplies and many more

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Selecting New Belly Button Rings

Purchasing new belly button rings can be a great way to treat yourself after working hard to achieve a great looking body. You may not realize it, but probably the best thing you can do for yourself is to buy high quality jewelry to ensure your body does not react poorly. Sometimes people can become allergic to certain metals most common in the cheaper priced selections. Just because you have never had a problem with it in the past does not mean you will be out of the woods forever.

When selecting new belly button rings, you should be extremely mindful of your activity level. While the dangling jewelry may look cute and fun, it can be quite dangerous if you plan to be active. Be sure to have simple stud options available for when you're most active or playing sports. While you may want to show off the fancy jewelry when you are poolside, it may not be the best place for it. You should be especially conscious of the size and shape of the jewelry if you are planning to wear tight clothing. Tight clothes can cause friction and irritation.

Another important thing to remember is to regularly clean your belly button rings. Failure to do so could result in an infection. It is very easy to get bacteria on the jewelry, which can cause a lot of problems once it gets into your piercing hole. Clean the jewelry and navel area with an antibacterial soap or saline solution. Experts recommend doing this at least twice a day for a fresh piercing. You will also want to be sure to clean it after being at the beach or in the pool to remove any contaminants or bacteria. If you fail to do a good job cleaning out your jewelry, you put yourself at serious risk of an infection.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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The History Of Belly Rings And Their Acceptance In Society

If you're like most people, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about the various ways you can improve your appearance. Maybe you just want to look better, or perhaps you'd like to stand apart from the crowd in a non-traditional way. Whatever your reason for wanting to improve your appearance, there are many ways to accomplish this task, and one of the best is belly rings.

Although they may seem modern, these types of piercings have been in use for decades. In fact, the precursor to belly rings first evolved in the Roaring 20s, a time when people all over the United States were pushing boundaries and striving to be as individual as possible. Movies were something fairly new on the landscape, but even then, there were bodies that governed what couldn't be shown on the big screen, and of those things was a bare navel. The style of the day, at least in some movies, called for a bare midriff. In order to get around the issue of showing a navel, movie producers began covering up women's belly buttons with some sort of decoration.

What started as a way to skirt the rules eventually resulted in what is today belly rings. Interestingly, in between the 20s and the latter part of the 20th century, this type of body piercing went from being acceptable, to being out of bounds, and again back to being accepted by the general population. That is due to the fact that so many people today choose to have this type of piercing. The increased incidence simply makes it more socially acceptable.

Now, let's return to the original discussion of augmenting your appearance. The good news is that because stomach piercing has become so prevalent, you will find lots of options available. When shopping, you can search for belly rings made from a variety of materials including plastic, metal and even wood. There's also a great variety of styles. These choices mean that you'll be able to choose the right piece for you personality.
Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Your Teenage Daughter: Belly Button Rings and Tattoos

If you have a teenage daughter, you've probably encountered a whole laundry list of issues that you had never even considered. Living in this day and age is difficult enough as an adult, but kids really have it hard. Peer pressure isn't new and, in reality, it hasn't changed a lot over the years. Instead, the issues facing kids today are different; no less difficult, but not nearly the same as what you may have encountered when you were a kid.

The issue of how to deal with a teenager is a story that has been written millions of times. You can find books, articles and seminars that purport to teach you how to deal with the hormone-filled youngster that is living in your home, but nothing aside from living through it (and subsequently dealing with the issues) is going to help.

So, what are some of the things you might expect to deal with in the upcoming months and years? Well, that's hard to say, since each child is different. However, suffice it to say that the primary issues will be things that aren't at all different from the things your parents dealt with when you were a kid - attire, constant phone chatter and dating are sure to be on that list. But what do you do if your daughter presents you with the fact that all of her friends are getting tattoos and belly button rings?

See now, you hadn't even considered belly button rings when you set out on this whole parenting adventure, had you? The most important thing is to remain calm; if you flip out, your daughter is going to run out and get a belly button ring the first chance she gets. In all honesty, you should consider the implications of this act. After all, belly button rings are far better than tattoos, which are permanent. In the end, you have to decide how to handle this, but don't say we didn't warn you if you suddenly start considering belly button rings for yourself!

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Body Jewelry and Girl's Sports

Do you have an athletic teen? Someone who excels in sports like volleyball, softball, track, basketball and soccer? Then you can probably relate to my problem with my daughter's interest in wearing body jewelry.

See, she's a star student. Straight A's and a perfectionist. She willingly helps out at home and treats her brothers and adults with respect. It's incredibly hard to deny her the one thing she wants right now: body jewelry.

But as parents, we're concerned about two things. The first is the message it sends to others about her interests. They could mistakenly believe she has a casual attitude about sex. While that may sound stereotypical, the reality is that it's human nature to make quick judgments about people based on their appearances. It's how we sort the good buys from the bad guys. If someone doesn't spend enough time with your daughter to understand she's not "loose," then they could walk away and spread the word that she takes sex lightly. In our opinion, that's not acceptable. We don't want to give anyone the opportunity to think anything about our daughter that's not based on actual merit-based fact. We can't necessarily control that, but we can help where we can. Therefore, no body jewelry for her until she's older.

For now, she reluctantly accepts our position because of the active role sports play in her life. Her coach and most athletic clubs just won't allow body jewelry on the court. It presents too much of a hazard and danger to the player, potentially even to those around. You just never know what might happen.

My advice, if your daughter is interested in wearing body jewelry, is to steer her away from the subject by covering these two important points. There's always time to add it later if they're ready.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Belly Rings And Pregnancy

When pregnant, only your doctor can suggest the right thing to do when it comes to your belly button ring. You should be prepared to take it out as the pregnancy progresses and your body changes.

There are a lot of questions and misconceptions many expectant mothers have when it comes to belly rings and pregnancy. There are also different schools of thought on what the right thing to do is, so the best answers can often come from your doctor who knows your situation personally. If you do not already have a belly button piercing but want one, you should definitely wait until after your pregnancy before having it done. Not only does getting one put you and your baby at risk for an infection, but many expectant mothers experience other issues you can avoid by simply waiting until you finish your pregnancy.

If you are pregnant with a piercing, you will have to decide what action you want to take. Often belly rings pose no threat in the first few months of pregnancy. As the belly expands however, that area will stretch out considerably. Some women find it impossible to wear a piercing once their belly button has popped out. Often the area will become itchy and uncomfortable and they will want to take it out. Sometimes the stretching can create a sore, which could be prone to infection.

Some manufacturers make belly rings specifically designed for pregnant women. They are typically very flexible and larger in size to accommodate the pregnancy. Some women have great luck with these and others don't. Everyone is different, which is why you will want to discuss this with your doctor. It can often be difficult to make the right decision early on. You may want to see how it goes before taking it out altogether. You should be careful to monitor the situation and be ready to take it out at any sign of irritation in the area. An infection can be dangerous to both you and your baby.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Belly Button Rings Compliment A Great Summer Body

With summer approaching, now is the best time to get your belly button piercing. It's best to get your piercing healed up before you head outside in the sun.

With summer right around the corner, the hottest trends to help you sizzle include belly button rings. Whether you are beach bound or just enjoy showing off your midriff, they can be an excellent complement to a great body. You worked hard to look good, so it might be time to get that piercing you've been hoping for. You may not be aware of it, but it's actually a really good idea to get your piercing done well before summer hits. You need give it plenty of time to heal before you expose it to ocean or pool water. Bacteria can get in and create a harmful infection. If you do wait until summer to get the piercing, you may want to sit out for the first few weeks while you wait for things to heal.

Another thing you have to be aware of with belly button rings is how easy they can be to snag on clothing. You should avoid purchasing dangling jewelry as it has the greatest potential to snag when you least expect it. You should start out with a simple stud and work your way up to other belly button rings as your piercing heals and you begin to feel more comfortable. You should also avoid wearing tight clothing while things are still healing. This can also make you sweat, which will irritate your healing wound and could lead to infection.

Signs of an infection include redness, swelling and puss drainage. Sometimes these symptoms can also indicate your body rejecting the piercing. If you experience these symptoms and they appear to be worsening, don't hesitate to contact your doctor. They can usually help you get things cleared up within a few days. If things are getting particularly painful or bad looking, you may need to consider taking out the piercing until you get medical attention.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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What Is the Next Big Thing for Belly Button Rings?

When a trend becomes more of a fashion staple, like belly button rings, there is often a parade of new ideas and new fashion styles that come to the market. Some of these ideas are embraced by large companies while others are born and bred in small towns across the nation. This smaller sector and their designs can often be found at local festivals. They gain popularity through word of mouth or social word of mouth on networks such as Facebook.

We asked a group of belly button rings enthusiasts what they would like to see in the future when they looked at body jewelry for their stomach. We were surprised and inspired by some of their ideas.

One of the most innovative suggestions was to make the belly rings out of recycled materials. Of course the part of the belly button rings which come in contact with skin would still require a type of flesh friendly material but the portion for the design could be the skies limit. Recycled glass was a popular suggestion.

One dancing diva suggested that miniature disco balls which included the ability to twirl and light up would be a fun set of belly button rings to have. The idea of adding a small battery and lights to various designs seems to be an idea that has a lot of enthusiasm.

One fashion conscious girl wanted all of her body jewelry to match. But she wasn't suggesting that they simply have a similar design. Instead, she wanted them to tell a story much in the same way that a charm bracelet tells a story. The earrings may be made of her birthstone; the belly button rings may be in the colors of her alma mater; the toe ring may be made of a material from where she met her true get the idea. A journey of life through body jewelry.

If you were designing the next type of belly button rings what would you want to see? From the materials used to the themes expressed many artistic and fashionable people are experimenting with the next big thing.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Belly Button Rings Are Safer Than Ever

Belly button rings, like all piercings, have become safer to get now that they are more socially acceptable.

Belly button rings were once done at home by friends or in the back of shops by people who had no right to be piercing anyone. Many times this would lead to infection and scarring because it was either done improperly or the person getting the piercing was not instructed on the care it needed.

Today things have changed. Belly button rings are seen in almost every school and on almost every beach across the nation. With this upswing of piercing and the acceptance of society, it is now easier and safer to get pierced. Now you can easily find reputable piercers who will do the job for a fair price, and in a clean and sterile environment. Just like tattoos, everything needs to be fresh out of the package and handled appropriately.

As with any piercing, belly button rings need proper care for several weeks to ensure that it heals correctly and that infection doesn't set it. Most people assume that because it is done on the navel the chance of infection is slim. Well, they are wrong. Because the navel is most often covered by clothing, heat and moisture get trapped there and it can become a breeding ground for bacteria.

Whenever possible it is recommended that navel piercings be done in the warm months of the year. This lets the belly button rings have access to fresh air through thinner shirts or no shirt at all. The popularity and acceptance by society of belly button rings has actually helped lessen infection as well. Today, instead of hiding the piercing from their parents, most teens get them done legally with their parents' blessing. This means letting the piercing actually see the light of day and heal quickly and cleanly.

Being able to be honest with their parents, more and more teens are also being able to tell their parents when something has gone wrong with the piercing. This new wave of honesty has drastically reduced the amount of navel infections caused by piercings.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Improve Your Appearance With A New Hairdo, Clothes And Belly Rings

There are times in one's life when it becomes necessary to take stock of things like weight, attire and overall appearance. Usually, these times come and go, and they are often tied to life events like having children, the death of a loved one or separation from a spouse. The good news is there are lots of things you can do to help you feel better about yourself.

One of the first things you might do is consider your hairdo. Hair is an easy thing to change; all it takes is a visit to the salon. If you're short on cash, opt to just get a haircut. If you have a little extra money, consider having your hair highlighted or dyed. No matter what you decide to have done at the salon, you will inevitably feel better about your appearance starting the moment you walk out the door.

Buying new clothes is another thing you can do, although if you need to lose some weight, you might be inclined to wait until you've dropped a few pounds before shopping. However, it's a good idea to go ahead and buy a few new pieces to freshen up your wardrobe. This will give you some excitement as you consider your outfit each day.

A final thing you can do to improve your self-esteem is consider augmenting your body. There are many options, but a lot of people gravitate towards belly rings. Belly rings are a simple, effective and cheap way to add some bling to your mid-section. Another benefit is that belly rings aren't permanent. If you decide later that you don't want it anymore, you can simply remove it and be done with it. However, most people find that belly rings enhance their appearance and make them feel so good about themselves, they'd never consider removing them.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Why Do People Wear Body Jewelry Today?

With so many types of body jewelry available, from a conventional ring or pierced earring, to the more unconventional tongue or nipple piercing, it is interesting to discover the reasons people in the 21st century wear jewelry to adorn their bodies. By understanding this you may gain a new sense of acceptance when you see someone with an unusual piercing.

Some in the older generations simply don't understand why teenagers or young adults would want to put holes in their bodies in unusual places. This same generation will readily accept a single pierced earring or a ring on the finger, but have difficulty with a tongue piercing or ear plug or even multiple piercings in the lobe.

But rest assured the world is not going to "Hell in a handbasket" as one elderly woman commented. It is however, more willing to express itself through the use of body jewelry. Besides, at one point this same senior generation was considered rebels in their own right by listening to jazz, drinking alcohol, or dancing to rock and roll.

The top five reasons that people wear body jewelry today include:

Fashion - The availability of various types of jewelry available, for practically every part of the human anatomy, is a beautiful enhancement to fashion styles available.

Honoring their heritage - Some people may wear a type of body jewelry that may have been popular with members of their family from prior generations. Some American-born youth may seek a connection by wearing jewelry from a certain region, or in a certain style, that is indicative of their family's roots which they celebrate.

Status Symbol - The history of body jewelry includes wearing certain types of jewels or precious metals that would outwardly show the family's wealth or position. This is still in practice today.

Religious connection -There is little difference between a person wearing a Cross or Star of David in the form of body jewelry such as a necklace, earring, belly ring, or toe ring. Most likely the style and design appealed to the person. It is also symbolic of their belief system.

To make a statement - This statement can be political, social, or fashion related. In any case the person is choosing to express their thoughts through their choice of body jewelry. It's really no different from a person wearing a t-shirt with a quote, or picture depicting a concert or event they attended. It's a statement about the journey that the individual is on.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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Body Piercings and Regret

Body piercing is when a hole is made in your skin or through a part of your body so you can add a piece of jewelry for decoration. Body piercings have developed into an art form, and they are popular among many different cultures and societies today. Some of the most common piercings today are the navel, eyebrows, ears, and tongue. The less popular are male and female genital piercings, nipples, and septum. These maybe less popular than the others but they are still being done.

Piercings on your ear lobes usually take about 6-8 weeks to heal. However, piercings on the side of your ear (cartilage) can take anywhere from 4 months to 1 year to heal. I got my cartilage piercings 1 year and 4 months ago. My sister wanted them for her birthday but did not want to do it alone.

For more than a year I suffered with the sea salt soaks and running them under hot water in the shower. The sea salt soaks were per the instructions of the piercer. No matter what I did my ears were consistently sore and infected from these piercings. They were supposed to take up to a year to heal, but I was still dealing the same problems sixteen months later. For this reason I took my piercings out, I felt I gave them more than a fair chance to heal.

Your piercings will know that you are stressed before you do. Having your body pierced other than your earlobes are like having a child to take care of. If you don't do what you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it, they are screaming in protest.

If you are still convinced that getting a body piercing is the right thing for you, do your homework. Check out all the risks related to the type of piercing that you are getting. Then if you still want to proceed, check out the piercing studios. They are usually located with tattoo shops. Interview your piercer, make sure they have been trained and have adequate experience.

I love the look of the piercing in the upper ear cartilage but it is definitely not worth the work. I highly recommend against getting any body piercing if you don't have the time or are extremely sensitive to piercings. I have problems with my regular earlobe piercings and should have known that I would have problems with the others as well.

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