Belly Rings Are Quickly Becoming The Most Common Of The Piercings

Belly rings are one of the newest piercings to be found and yet they are swiftly becoming the most common of them all.

Belly rings came onto the piercing scene in the mid 1990s and started a revolution. Prior to them, piercings were seen as something the Punk crowd did to garner attention. Once several super models were seen baring their midriff and showing off their belly rings, piercings became more mainstream.

Today a large percentage of the population has at least one piercing if not multiple. It is more common than not to see earrings on a girl and at least one facial piercing at any event with teenagers. From being taboo, piercings are now commonly accepted in most areas of society for most age groups. And this is all thanks to belly rings.

The majority of belly rings are found on females ages fifteen through thirty. Used primarily as a fashion statement, they can be simple silver studs or elaborate jeweled pieces that cover the entire navel area. That is one of the best things about them. No matter what your taste and style is, you can find one that suits your mood, wardrobe or general personality.

Even more than just changing the way piercings are viewed on a whole, navel rings are helping to change the stereotypes that piercings of that nature are for females only. While the majority of them are still found in female navels, more and more male navels are showing up pierced and bejeweled.

The lines between Punk and Prep, and male and female are slowly being blurred and a lot of this is thanks to belly rings. Simple piercings done in a "safe" body part they are showing the world that you don't need to be trying to make a statement or stand out to want to have your body pierced. Today they are just as common as pierced ears on a girl.

Belly rings can be called many things, but they are very simply the forefathers of taking piercings mainstream. A trend started by a supermodel, they are poised to be around for several more decades, so get used to them and start seeing the beauty in them.

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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